Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our politicians are back to normal

Today on all news channels I hv been seeing this new about some minsiter for minorites affairs caled AR Antulay is saying tht Mr.Hemant Karkare was killed not by terrorists but someone else.The reason being he was investigating the Malegaon blasts case.I fail to understand how our politicians talk such things and get away so easily.I was actually surprised that till now no politician had opened his mouth regarding one of the officers who were killed in this horrible incident.And today this happened.I am really aghast to see that even our media is gvng so much attention to this and also i wld not be surprised few days later if some channel actually has a debate on this.Most of our channels are also secular only in name.Infact in India the whole meaning of secularism is so twisted that I sometimes believe we are worst than countires which dont follow secular thoughts.I want to live in a secular society myself but why shld we hv a secular society whr only one religion is tagged as minority and secularism has bn turned into favouritism for them.In name of secularism we are actually destroying our society and also creating lot of resentment towards a particular religion.This cld hv bn avoided if thr was a balanced view of secularism in our country.All this is happening at behest of our politicians and I really cnt understand where this is taking us.Even today Antulay wld not hv spokn out if this secular politics did not exist in our country.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

When will India act tough against Pakistan

I have been reading a lot of comments and media reports past few days about involvement of Pakistan in what happend in Mumbai.We all know for several years now that Pakistan has been fund and breeding terrorism and exporting it to India.Several thousand Indians and soldiers have lost their lives in all these years.I agree that going to war is not simple as it sounds and there will be an economic cost involved to it.But can anyone tell me have we not been bearing the cost of terrorism for several years now.Is India such a weak country that it is begging United States each day to act against Pakistan.What we need to understand as a nation is that no one respects weak people.I had thought this time round we will definitely take some tough and punitive action against Pakistan.But that has not happened and I doubt it will happen after seeing comments from all our leaders in power.My question is what are waiting for.The day a nuclear bomb is exploded in India and lakhs of people are killied will we take action then.I am sure i sometime terrorists will get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons no matter what the govt says.I thnk if we dont take action now we will have to regret for years to come that is my biggest fear.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Please dont make a hero out of Azam Amir Kasav

As well all know kasav was the only terrorist caught alive in the Mumbai attacks.He is currently in custody of Mumbai police and is bng interrogated by them.He has made a number of revelations to the police about the attacks.Other day I was reading newspaper and already we have stories floating as to how he became a terrorist and his mind was brain washed.He comes from a very poor family and was a labourer it seems.He was offered some lakh rupees to do this and also assured his family will be taken care of.I am getting concerned as to why newspapers are floating all these stories about him.Let there be any reason one cannot justify killing innocent people just bcs you hv some problems.Also being brain washed is in your hands.If someone tells me something it is upto me whether I believe it or no.No amount of brainwashing can convince me that a particular religion is good or bad.It is what I think from within is what matters.Such people dont deserve any kind of trial in any court.ce all information has been taken out from him he shoud be publicly shot dead.I dont know if this will create a fear in mind of future terrorists but atleast we as a country can do its duty.
I am surprised that till now no human rights organisation has come forward to allege atrocity being committed on kasav by police.I am sure this will happen soon.I am not aginst human rights but I want to ask all of you does a person like Kasav deserve human rights.If he does then I dont want to stay in such a society and country.I am sure very soon our very own Amar Singh,Lalu Yadav,Mulayam Singh,Paswan will have a race betwn them to offer a election ticket to kasav.This will be done to show solidarity to the"minority community" and get their votes.Does this mean that our minority community which I dont think so is a minority in any sense would support terrorists like kasav if they run from a city like Azamgarh.Azam garh would be the preferred city as it has a large muslim population.
In this country we have a habit of making heroes out of terrorists and creating an aura about them.This is being done at politicians behest.I would not be surprised if there is a covert investigation that some of these politicians mentioned above were aware of the attacks.These politicians have reached a point were they would do anything to gain sympathy of a particular community b shwoing them thy are being targetted.I ultimately feel kasav will turn out to be a winner in all of this and the Indian public at large will be the loser.My views might sound very negative but this is the harsh truth we are faced with.I hav been saying it in all my posts we need to do somethng drastic now or else things will not change.I hope my comments are not falling on deaf ears and I would urge the youth of this country to come forward in a very strong way.

Effect of mass movements

I have talked a lot about mass movements and also coming out on streets against this government and system.I have not got a very positive response till now but hope all that changes after reading this.
If you want to know what mass movements can do and that also without any leader please read about the fall of Berlin wall and collapse of Soviet Union.People in East Germany were so frustrated and oppressed that one fine day they came out on streets and started protesting against the East German communist government which was supported by Soviet Union.There was no leader to lead this protest just angry and oppressed citizens of East Germany who decided thaey had enough.They went to the wall and started crossing into West Germany by the millions.How many could the police and military kill.They did not kill anyone because they knew they could not kill millions of people who were so angry and outraged nothing would stop them.This movement finally ended in unification of East and West Germany and all this without a single leader.If Germans can do it why cant we Indians force a change in system when our population is one billion.I would request all so called intellectuals and corporates to come forward and make this a joint effort.Let us not forget what has happened in Mumbai because if we forget history will not forgive us ever

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Politics at time of terror

Finally we have seen Mr.Vilasrao Deshmukh has resigned.What he said in his final interview was very interesting and should concern all of us as ordinary citizens of this country.He said he had been forced to resign because the population at large was angry with him as he failed to provide them security.Does he mean to say if people would not have shown their outburst of anger at Gateway of India he would not hv come to know people are angry.So now you all know that this govt will listen to us only when we come out on the streets and take the fight to them.I am extremely worried that the kind of anguish and anger we showed at Gateway will be forgotten soon and we will go back to our normal lifes.My biggest fear is not another terrorist attack but the short lived memory all of us have which I myself am guilty of.Already people have started making plans for where they want to go on 31st Dec this time.They give a logic life must go on.But I beg to disagree with that.Yes life must go on but not in this environment of constant fear and doubt as to where the next terrorist strike will happen.I personally will not be celebrating new year this time.Not because I am scared to go out but my heart is bleeding to see what has happened to our city and how careless most of us have become.I plan to do something different on 31st night.I dont know if a single person will support me but as I said before I am not going to forget this incident ever as a true citizen of this country.
What is equally concerning is the fact that Congress govt of today is already planning how to counter BJP allegations of being soft on terror.They plan to counter it by saying that parliament attack,Kandahar hijacking happened during their tenure.Also the home minister in this govt resigned whereas the then home minister did not resign.Is the solution we are looking for to combat terror.I may sound pessimistic but I am very sure our democracy has failed us on a number of counts.No matter how much economic prgress we may have but if basic security is not there it is of no use.I will disclose my plan of action for 31st very soon,hope atleast some of ou support me in that

PIL against this government

My idea of PIL is not just an idea.I want to take concrete action on that.If there are NGOs or concerned citizens who want to support me in this cause please join me.I have seen even after all previous blasts and terrorist incidents we have this fervour for few days or weeks.Then everything dies down.If we dont act this time I am sure we will have such a big incident in this country which will be unheard of in history of this world.If this govt was really serious abt combatting terror it would hv hanged Afzal Guru by now.I want to ask this govt why it has not done that.I am in no ways saying BJP is better.They are only taking advantage of the current situation and nothing will change when thy come to power.We have to start questioning has democracy failed us.I know it might sound extreme but I feel that we are not on the right path for this country.We need to take help from judiciary,intellectuals and the armed forces to set things right in this country.I just wonder why these 3 groups are not playing an active role in bringing change to the govt policies.Nevertheless I am not going to be a coward and ttakes things as thy are.Its better to die wid self respect rather than live like this in fear.If anyone wants to support me in filing a PIL please mail me at would look forward to support and guidance from all of you

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What we can do to bring change in India

What we can do.I think now time has come to take some clear actions as common citizens only thn things will change.We just protest have candle light vigils sign few posters and nothing changes.What we need to do is gather in millions and come out on streets in each city.We now need a revolution in this country.Let us all stop paying our taxes,our various bills which we pay to the govt.Let us stop going to work and be on streets till govt listens to us.I hv spoken to few friends of mine but thy laughed this off.But I am very sure abt wht i m saying and i can assure you mass movements like this hv made history in worl.Time has now come to create history in India rather than just keeping quiet.I am sure if we dont do this we will hv another blast in 2 months time in some other city bcs govt will not take strict action till we launch a non co operation movement with this govt.We have to do it rite now before all of us lose more friends and relatives.Please support me in this cause if you genuinely think we can make a change because I am sure people power will make an impact on this govt nothing else.Time has come to show the strength of one billion people to this govt.The terrorists did not have an obligation to spare us but this govt has an obligation to protect us at any cost.We need a govt for the people,by the people,of the people. I want to file a PIL against this govt for not saving lives of our citizens,if there are any lawyers or groups which can support me well and good or else i plan to do it alone.I will not forget what has happened in Mumbai by just lighting a few candles and shouting slogans against Pakistan.It will not achieve anything.As youth of this country I have decided if this country does not have a future even I dont have a future and I want to fight this political system no matter if I have to do it alone.Please remember Gandhiji and Nelson Mandela were alone and people laughed at them but we all know what they achieved once the mobilised the masses of this country