Friday, December 5, 2008

Please dont make a hero out of Azam Amir Kasav

As well all know kasav was the only terrorist caught alive in the Mumbai attacks.He is currently in custody of Mumbai police and is bng interrogated by them.He has made a number of revelations to the police about the attacks.Other day I was reading newspaper and already we have stories floating as to how he became a terrorist and his mind was brain washed.He comes from a very poor family and was a labourer it seems.He was offered some lakh rupees to do this and also assured his family will be taken care of.I am getting concerned as to why newspapers are floating all these stories about him.Let there be any reason one cannot justify killing innocent people just bcs you hv some problems.Also being brain washed is in your hands.If someone tells me something it is upto me whether I believe it or no.No amount of brainwashing can convince me that a particular religion is good or bad.It is what I think from within is what matters.Such people dont deserve any kind of trial in any court.ce all information has been taken out from him he shoud be publicly shot dead.I dont know if this will create a fear in mind of future terrorists but atleast we as a country can do its duty.
I am surprised that till now no human rights organisation has come forward to allege atrocity being committed on kasav by police.I am sure this will happen soon.I am not aginst human rights but I want to ask all of you does a person like Kasav deserve human rights.If he does then I dont want to stay in such a society and country.I am sure very soon our very own Amar Singh,Lalu Yadav,Mulayam Singh,Paswan will have a race betwn them to offer a election ticket to kasav.This will be done to show solidarity to the"minority community" and get their votes.Does this mean that our minority community which I dont think so is a minority in any sense would support terrorists like kasav if they run from a city like Azamgarh.Azam garh would be the preferred city as it has a large muslim population.
In this country we have a habit of making heroes out of terrorists and creating an aura about them.This is being done at politicians behest.I would not be surprised if there is a covert investigation that some of these politicians mentioned above were aware of the attacks.These politicians have reached a point were they would do anything to gain sympathy of a particular community b shwoing them thy are being targetted.I ultimately feel kasav will turn out to be a winner in all of this and the Indian public at large will be the loser.My views might sound very negative but this is the harsh truth we are faced with.I hav been saying it in all my posts we need to do somethng drastic now or else things will not change.I hope my comments are not falling on deaf ears and I would urge the youth of this country to come forward in a very strong way.

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