Friday, December 5, 2008

Effect of mass movements

I have talked a lot about mass movements and also coming out on streets against this government and system.I have not got a very positive response till now but hope all that changes after reading this.
If you want to know what mass movements can do and that also without any leader please read about the fall of Berlin wall and collapse of Soviet Union.People in East Germany were so frustrated and oppressed that one fine day they came out on streets and started protesting against the East German communist government which was supported by Soviet Union.There was no leader to lead this protest just angry and oppressed citizens of East Germany who decided thaey had enough.They went to the wall and started crossing into West Germany by the millions.How many could the police and military kill.They did not kill anyone because they knew they could not kill millions of people who were so angry and outraged nothing would stop them.This movement finally ended in unification of East and West Germany and all this without a single leader.If Germans can do it why cant we Indians force a change in system when our population is one billion.I would request all so called intellectuals and corporates to come forward and make this a joint effort.Let us not forget what has happened in Mumbai because if we forget history will not forgive us ever


Valmiki said...

A mass movement is so powerful that the powerful empire can be toppled down by it. What bothers me is this, we do not know exactly what we want!!! Everyone is shouting loud that we need change. But have you got time enough to ask them some simple questions? What do you mean by change??? Some would say, "Blow Up Pakisthan" while others say "We want so and so people to resign". But at the end we still have no clue of what change really is. To take such an extreme step, we must be prepared brother...I never said I wont do it that way..I merely wanted to be prepared. Fighting an enemy who's loaded wid guns needs some preparation ;)

By the way, have a look at this :

Good nite...

Unknown said...

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