Saturday, December 13, 2008

When will India act tough against Pakistan

I have been reading a lot of comments and media reports past few days about involvement of Pakistan in what happend in Mumbai.We all know for several years now that Pakistan has been fund and breeding terrorism and exporting it to India.Several thousand Indians and soldiers have lost their lives in all these years.I agree that going to war is not simple as it sounds and there will be an economic cost involved to it.But can anyone tell me have we not been bearing the cost of terrorism for several years now.Is India such a weak country that it is begging United States each day to act against Pakistan.What we need to understand as a nation is that no one respects weak people.I had thought this time round we will definitely take some tough and punitive action against Pakistan.But that has not happened and I doubt it will happen after seeing comments from all our leaders in power.My question is what are waiting for.The day a nuclear bomb is exploded in India and lakhs of people are killied will we take action then.I am sure i sometime terrorists will get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons no matter what the govt says.I thnk if we dont take action now we will have to regret for years to come that is my biggest fear.


Unknown said...

What i feel is war is a compulsion...arent u ppl tired seeing and hearing ppl die u all want this to continue and make it a every day news...
PEACE u ppl tell... how long many years....when will the right time come...the blasts this year all oer india arent strong enough reason..
The truth is that we will be the one to join the war bcoz pakistan is already in it....
i totally agree with u sunny ..well written,

Unknown said...

Theres a saying "After all is said and done, more is said than done". And that holds good for us. We do nothing in action, and nowadays not even in reaction. Even our reacting capacity has gone, shame on us!
There is one country, which goes out of its borders to eliminate someone somewhere fearing it is going to be attacked by them.
And here is another country which allows terrorists to invade, create terror and kill innocents.
Do you think its courageous? NO, this is cowardice!
Can Indian soldiers not fight?
If yes, why are they not given orders to fight?
If no, shame on those officials who do not give them such orders!
Ahimsa is for people who understand it. Not for people who dont even know how to spell it.
"HAMEN EENTH KAA JAVAAB PATTHAR SE DENAA HAI". Why doesn't the Indian government realise this?