Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What we can do to bring change in India

What we can do.I think now time has come to take some clear actions as common citizens only thn things will change.We just protest have candle light vigils sign few posters and nothing changes.What we need to do is gather in millions and come out on streets in each city.We now need a revolution in this country.Let us all stop paying our taxes,our various bills which we pay to the govt.Let us stop going to work and be on streets till govt listens to us.I hv spoken to few friends of mine but thy laughed this off.But I am very sure abt wht i m saying and i can assure you mass movements like this hv made history in worl.Time has now come to create history in India rather than just keeping quiet.I am sure if we dont do this we will hv another blast in 2 months time in some other city bcs govt will not take strict action till we launch a non co operation movement with this govt.We have to do it rite now before all of us lose more friends and relatives.Please support me in this cause if you genuinely think we can make a change because I am sure people power will make an impact on this govt nothing else.Time has come to show the strength of one billion people to this govt.The terrorists did not have an obligation to spare us but this govt has an obligation to protect us at any cost.We need a govt for the people,by the people,of the people. I want to file a PIL against this govt for not saving lives of our citizens,if there are any lawyers or groups which can support me well and good or else i plan to do it alone.I will not forget what has happened in Mumbai by just lighting a few candles and shouting slogans against Pakistan.It will not achieve anything.As youth of this country I have decided if this country does not have a future even I dont have a future and I want to fight this political system no matter if I have to do it alone.Please remember Gandhiji and Nelson Mandela were alone and people laughed at them but we all know what they achieved once the mobilised the masses of this country

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we don't require WAR
Yes you right, we don't require WAR. but just think If deadline of 48 Hours over, or Time is not even fixed - someone will initiate. We not going to start - that we all indians know. We will still wait for one more attack on our valuable city. For a moment you think that u r Pakistan, would you tell Indians that you are going to attack on Mum or Kol on 6.00 pm tonight ?
Answer is no. Its sure that we going to miss our one city or state.
We indians always to be Gandhiji......wait until we have one more slap on our face.

We all know that nuclear weapons with them. What we do next is a challenge........