Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our politicians are back to normal

Today on all news channels I hv been seeing this new about some minsiter for minorites affairs caled AR Antulay is saying tht Mr.Hemant Karkare was killed not by terrorists but someone else.The reason being he was investigating the Malegaon blasts case.I fail to understand how our politicians talk such things and get away so easily.I was actually surprised that till now no politician had opened his mouth regarding one of the officers who were killed in this horrible incident.And today this happened.I am really aghast to see that even our media is gvng so much attention to this and also i wld not be surprised few days later if some channel actually has a debate on this.Most of our channels are also secular only in name.Infact in India the whole meaning of secularism is so twisted that I sometimes believe we are worst than countires which dont follow secular thoughts.I want to live in a secular society myself but why shld we hv a secular society whr only one religion is tagged as minority and secularism has bn turned into favouritism for them.In name of secularism we are actually destroying our society and also creating lot of resentment towards a particular religion.This cld hv bn avoided if thr was a balanced view of secularism in our country.All this is happening at behest of our politicians and I really cnt understand where this is taking us.Even today Antulay wld not hv spokn out if this secular politics did not exist in our country.

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