Thursday, December 4, 2008

PIL against this government

My idea of PIL is not just an idea.I want to take concrete action on that.If there are NGOs or concerned citizens who want to support me in this cause please join me.I have seen even after all previous blasts and terrorist incidents we have this fervour for few days or weeks.Then everything dies down.If we dont act this time I am sure we will have such a big incident in this country which will be unheard of in history of this world.If this govt was really serious abt combatting terror it would hv hanged Afzal Guru by now.I want to ask this govt why it has not done that.I am in no ways saying BJP is better.They are only taking advantage of the current situation and nothing will change when thy come to power.We have to start questioning has democracy failed us.I know it might sound extreme but I feel that we are not on the right path for this country.We need to take help from judiciary,intellectuals and the armed forces to set things right in this country.I just wonder why these 3 groups are not playing an active role in bringing change to the govt policies.Nevertheless I am not going to be a coward and ttakes things as thy are.Its better to die wid self respect rather than live like this in fear.If anyone wants to support me in filing a PIL please mail me at would look forward to support and guidance from all of you


Unknown said...

Hi Sunny ,
Its a very good idea of yours to file PIL.But pls do explain how do we do this PIL and what else you need.Are you just raising PIL against State Govt of Mumbai or against the Central govt also.Kindly help me understand.

Sunny said...

I m talking abt a PIL against both state and central govt,both are equally responsible.Infact we should hv the authority to actually dismiss this govt the way things are now.I know my views might sound extreme but how long will we keep toleration this rubbish

Chris said...

My dear brother,
Let me tell you, i am fighting 10 court cases already. Some of them are against a great company such as Reliance who have cheated me outright. If you file a PIL, considering the present state of the law and the judiciary in India, i can assure you that nothing will come of it, especially as you are filing it against the ruling party. However, i am not going to disuade you. If there are enough people who subscribe to this idea, i'll join you too.

Savi savi Nenapu... said...

Hi Sunny,
I would be there to give full support to you....

Sunny said...

Roopa thanks for ur support,i wish more concerned citizens like u come forward to join this cause

Unknown said...

Its heartening to see the youth coming forward..i am one among you.
Raising a PIL might be one good option Sunny but somehow i feel its benefits will last only short term , if at all. I strongly feel we should divert our energy towards something which will give long lasting results like spreading EDUCATION , while continuing things like spreading awareness via all available means, continued vigilance , working towards better laws and better leaders.
I fully support u though..we all need each other :)