Thursday, December 4, 2008

Politics at time of terror

Finally we have seen Mr.Vilasrao Deshmukh has resigned.What he said in his final interview was very interesting and should concern all of us as ordinary citizens of this country.He said he had been forced to resign because the population at large was angry with him as he failed to provide them security.Does he mean to say if people would not have shown their outburst of anger at Gateway of India he would not hv come to know people are angry.So now you all know that this govt will listen to us only when we come out on the streets and take the fight to them.I am extremely worried that the kind of anguish and anger we showed at Gateway will be forgotten soon and we will go back to our normal lifes.My biggest fear is not another terrorist attack but the short lived memory all of us have which I myself am guilty of.Already people have started making plans for where they want to go on 31st Dec this time.They give a logic life must go on.But I beg to disagree with that.Yes life must go on but not in this environment of constant fear and doubt as to where the next terrorist strike will happen.I personally will not be celebrating new year this time.Not because I am scared to go out but my heart is bleeding to see what has happened to our city and how careless most of us have become.I plan to do something different on 31st night.I dont know if a single person will support me but as I said before I am not going to forget this incident ever as a true citizen of this country.
What is equally concerning is the fact that Congress govt of today is already planning how to counter BJP allegations of being soft on terror.They plan to counter it by saying that parliament attack,Kandahar hijacking happened during their tenure.Also the home minister in this govt resigned whereas the then home minister did not resign.Is the solution we are looking for to combat terror.I may sound pessimistic but I am very sure our democracy has failed us on a number of counts.No matter how much economic prgress we may have but if basic security is not there it is of no use.I will disclose my plan of action for 31st very soon,hope atleast some of ou support me in that


Unknown said...

Its really so true when you say we all have suffer from loss of memory. The terrorists know this and thats why they attacked us. They know for sure, the blame on them will soon die because, politicians will divert it towards themselves. As you rightly said, the parties are already planning on how to counteract the opposition's charges on them. Just with one Patil or one Deshmukh resigning, the country is not going to be safe.
Its high time we stop reacting and start acting.
Wrt PIL, what sort of support do you expect? If you can be more specific, I will definitely extend it though I do not live in India.

Unknown said...

Yes, you are damn right my friend. We are all concerned about our own world, but we always blame the Govt for not providing security/infrastucture. We have to open opur eyes and see, how we can contibute to some kind of change.

I am with you in-terms of the political change.